I recently made the decision to put my business on the back burner and focus my attention on being a stay at home mom while Noah is still a baby. It was a tough decision, but ultimately, the right thing for our family. As a stay at home mom, I think it's absolutely essential to have your own thing, separate from baby, that you can focus on when baby is napping or playing independently. You know, like a hobby. In a way, blogging has become my hobby. It's something that I can easily put down or pick up, and I find it to be a nice stress reliever when my days get chaotic.
I don't have a fancy journalism degree (my degree is in finance, of all things!), but what I do have is a love for writing and sharing my journey as a first time mama with other first time mamas. I was talking with a girlfriend the other day about how we "do it all" some days, and then other days we count the minutes until our husbands come home from work. As moms, we're all in this together, and while I certainly do not have all the answers, I like to think I've learned a thing or two in my (short) six months since becoming a mom. What I've learned may not be groundbreaking, but I truly believe we can all learn from one another. Some of the most simplest things I've implemented into our daily routine have come from simply chatting with other moms.
I'll still be using this space to write Noah's monthly updates, but I'm hoping to expand this blog to include topics that are relevant to other new moms as well. I've been brewing up various blog topics in my head for months now, and I think it's about time I put these thoughts onto paper. So, what exactly will this blog entail? My hope is to share simple recipes for the novice cook (I'm no expert in this department, but I've recently taken an interest in cooking in the last several months), meal planning tips, craft projects, how I stay organized, and just in general, my daily adventures of life as a stay at home mom.
So, moms, I'm curious, what do YOU do to help keep you sane amongst the chaos of every day life? Do you have any hobbies or interests that keep you occupied when your little one(s) is napping?
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