IT'S A....BOY!!!

Well, my intuition was right...Rob and I are expecting a baby BOY and we couldn't be more thrilled! It turns out our 1st trimester ultrasound tech was also right in her early gender prediction. I'll let you in on a little secret...Rob and I were SO convinced that we were having a boy that we actually started to shop for baby clothes already (remember what I said about Rob and I being "do-ers"? Yeah, we just couldn't wait!). Oh, but don't worry, we kept all of the receipts just in case it turned out to be a little girl ;) Even though I'm going to be way out numbered in the Schmitt household, I am absolutely tickled that our 1st child is a boy. I can already envision him in my mind and can't wait to meet him come August!

{The photo above was taken yesterday at 19 weeks. I thought announcing baby's gender with a photo would be a cute addition to his baby book, and I plan to use the chalkboard in his nursery.}

P.S. To answer all of the name questions we got yesterday - we're not telling. We do have his full name picked out, but we're choosing not to share until his birthday! ;) 


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