Baby's 1st Photo Session

This past weekend was baby's very first photo session, and I have to say that it was amazing. Truly incredible. We saw baby kicking, stretching out, hands moving, and even witnessed a few rolls/flips! We went in for a basic 2D ultrasound, and we're treated to not one, but TWO surprises during our visit. 

The first surprise was a quick glimpse of Baby Schmitt in 3D, which is not usually done until much later in the pregnancy, if at all (recommended at 25+ weeks for optimal viewing). Our ultrasound tech was kind enough to offer us a 3D screen shot of the baby just for fun (we even got a 3D pic to take home!).

The second surprise was really quite unexpected. Since Baby Schmitt was enjoying a few flips during our session, the ultrasound tech was able to capture quite a few detailed shots of baby's legs, which allowed her to predict the gender quite early. Of course, it is still very early, and while she said not to go out and buy gender specific baby clothes just yet, she did say she was fairly confident and that we should start discussing names ;) We'll of course know for sure once we go in for our anatomy scan at 18 weeks, but in the mean time, it's fun to think about the possibilities. I have to say that both Rob and I are thrilled with the gender prediction, and even if baby's gender was predicted incorrectly, we will still be thrilled either way. I just have to throw it out there and say that I've had an intense gut feeling regarding the gender of Baby Schmitt since very early on in my pregnancy, and so far, that gut feeling is correct!

At the end of our session we were given several photos along with a 6 minute DVD to take home. To be honest, the profile sonogram photos we got in 2D weren't all that clear (baby was moving a lot, and it probably didn't help that I kept giggling when I saw baby moving around!), but the video footage is incredible. I have it saved on my computer, and I watch it every few hours it seems :)


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