PA Baby Shower

Rob and I were lucky enough to have two showers thrown for us (this is the 1st grandchild for both sides of our families, so both grandmas-to-be are very excited for Baby Schmitt's arrival). Due to our busy summer schedules, I wasn't able to make the trip down to NC; therefore, my Mom offered to come up from NC to throw me a shower here in Pittsburgh. My PA shower was a small gathering at our house with some of my local mommy friends. My mom, sister, and I had fun decorating the house with our teal/green/white color scheme.

Here are a few photos from the shower that Rob took before everyone arrived.

Here is a photo collage of the decor that I put together with my iPhone.

A big thank you to one of my good friends, Sherry, for making such an awesome jungle-themed diaper cake!

Thank you again to all of the ladies who attended! We had quite a few people who were unable to attend the shower due to vacations, weddings, and even a few babies being born :) We missed all of you and can't wait to catch up with all of you soon. Oh, and a special thank you to Sherry's husband, Dave, for entertaining Rob for the afternoon while us girls had our fair share of baby/pregnancy talk ;)

Between both showers, Rob and I are just about ready to welcome Baby Schmitt into the world! Once we get the nursery all ready to go we'll share some photos on the blog. Stay tuned! :)


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