1st Trimester Essentials

Since my 1st trimester is soon coming to a close, and I am (finally!) on the verge of seeing my 2nd trimester, I thought it would be fun to share some of the things that helped me get through these 1st few months of pregnancy (aka my 1st trimester "essentials"). 

Let me preface this post by saying that the 1st trimester was certainly no walk in the park for me, but I don't feel like it was terrible either. I know some women have morning sickness 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, and mine was not that bad. Nevertheless, I wouldn't call it fun either. I try my absolute best not to complain though, because I know that every one of these yucky symptoms ultimately serves a purpose. I always remind myself that it will all be worth it in the end. 

With that said, let's talk about some of my essentials that helped to ease the not-so-nice symptoms of the 1st trimester:

B-natal Pops - I didn't discover these until I was 10+ weeks pregnant, but I have to say that I think these little pops helped to ease some of my nausea. I know they don't help every woman, but for me, these seemed to do the trick. Since these pops have vitamin B6 in them, you do have to be careful to follow the recommended dosage on the box (not to exceed more than 3 pops in a 24 hour period). 

Salty Snacks - I'm sure we've all heard of the age-old adage of keeping Saltines by your bedside at night to help curb morning sickness, right? Well, for me, I can barely stand the sight of a Saltine cracker, let alone the taste, so I opted for other salty bedside snacks such as popcorn, pretzels, and even nuts. These salty snacks helped me ease that awful "empty" feeling in the pit of my stomach that I frequently was awaken by in the middle of the night. They also helped me before getting out of bed in the morning. I soon realized that if I moved around too much first thing in the morning without eating a few bites of food, that I would be running for the bathroom to be sick. It wasn't pleasant. This wasn't a perfect "cure" for morning sickness, as there were certainly plenty of mornings where the nausea was just too strong to even think about eating a pretzel, but for the mornings where I only had mild-nausea first thing, the salty snack trick seemed to help! 

Pregnancy Pillow - I know most women don't start using a pregnancy pillow until they are much further along, but in the first few weeks of pregnancy I suffered from terrible insomnia and could just never get very comfortable. Rob asked me if I'd like to get one, so we did some research together, and I picked out a "U" shaped pillow that is contoured to fit both your back and belly. It definitely helps me sleep better and is incredibly comfortable + cozy! The only downside to this pillow is that it is rather large, and even in our King size bed, it takes up a lot of space.

My iPhone - You're probably a little puzzled by this "essential" right now, but let me tell you...this was great to have around for days/weekends when I basically just laid around in bed/on the couch all day. It's nice to be able to check in with friends on Facebook and play with all of the baby/pregnancy apps while you're bored out of your mind...not to mention, keeping your mind occupied does take away some of the discomfort (at least it certainly did for me). The real reason why this is an "essential" to me, is because I can keep up with client emails while laying in bed on a day that I might not have been feeling so hot. To me, my iPhone was a great tool to have during my 1st trimester.

Love + Support from Rob - I know, I know...cheesy, right?! But, it's the TRUTH! Simply put, if I didn't have my husband around to take care of me, I would have likely gone insane. He's been a life saver around the house these last few months taking care of everything from household chores to grocery shopping to making sure Teddy is well taken care of. He's also been super awesome at random grocery store runs when I get a craving for something! :) Love you, babe! xoxo 

Oh, and I can't forget a good ole' pair of comfy pj's or sweatpants. While I am not quite showing yet (and my regular clothes still fit), there is just something sooo satisfying about changing into a pair of comfy pj's after a long day.


Unknown said...

I'm glad the bnatal pops helped you!! They were a godsend for me.
I used them throughout my entire pregnancy. I had m/s well through week 16!

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