The BIG News!

I've sort of been delaying on recapping our holidays due to the fact that I've been in a "semi-hibernation" state since the beginning of December. Hibernation state you may ask?! know the feeling where you can barely get the energy to get up and get dressed for the day, let alone even think about your favorite foods without running to the bathroom to be sick...oh, and I'm not talking about the flu incase you are still puzzled..................

That's right, folks...we are over-the-moon-excited to officially announce that Baby Schmitt is on the way (due in August)!!! Ok, well, many of you likely have already heard/seen the news on Facebook, but just incase you haven't, I thought I'd announce it on our blog too :) Besides, I need a good entry post anyways, right?! I plan to share pregnancy/baby updates on this blog throughout the coming months, for those of you that would like to follow along. Since this is my 1st pregnancy, I really want to make an effort to document as many things as possible to be able to look back years from now and recall everything like it was yesterday (I'm a sap, I know). We are incredibly grateful for this little miracle, and have been so touched by the overwhelming response by our friends and family. Baby Schmitt is already a very loved little baby.

I hope that you'll join me on this journey as I navigate the waters of becoming a first time Mom. 

With love & excitement, 


Unknown said...

So thrilled for you, Sumer!!

I bought a book called "the pregnancy book" on amazon when I was pregnant... It was a really great (and fun) way to document and journal my pregnancy journey! I reccomend checking the book out.

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