House Update

It's hard to believe that 2010 is almost over, and that we are already approaching the half way point through November. In just 2 short weeks we'll be doing the final walk thru of the house. Rob and I have been busy preparing for (and buying) everything that comes with building a new house...we joke that we might as well just move into Home Depot, because we are always there it seems like. You can probably find us at Home Depot (or Lowes) at least 3-4 times per week. We've made quite a bit of progress on our "to do" list for the house, purchasing our new fridge, garage door opener, blinds, etc... We still have quite a bit more to do, but every week we make progress. 

Below is a photo (taken with my iPhone) of the latest you can see, we're almost there. This was taken last Thursday, Nov 4th. They were installing our hardwood flooring that day - we got a sneak peek inside and we liked what we saw! Since then they've seeded our lawn (a nice surprise!) and will hopefully finish the porch by the end of this week. 

We're so excited to get inside and call this our home. My Mom will be coming up from NC the afternoon of our final walk thru to help us paint. She'll be staying with us through Thanksgiving to make the most out of her visit. I'm excited to have her here with us since she has a great eye for interior design. Like me, she too is obsessed with HGTV : )


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