Meet Teddy!

Meet Teddy! Teddy is our 3.5 lb Yorkie/Maltese mix. He's 3 1/2 years old, and is 3.5 lbs full grown (ok I lied, occasionally he tops out at 3.8 lbs after a good meal). You may notice at the top of this blog I list myself as a "puppy mommy"...yes, you read correctly...a puppy MOMMY. While we don't have children just yet, I do consider myself to be a Mom in some regards. If you've ever owned a dog (or any pet for that matter), you know it's a BIG responsibility and a lot like having a child.

Dogs are the best companions. My husband travels a lot for work (sometimes 1-2 weeks at a time), and I have to admit, without Teddy things would be A LOT more difficult for me during these times. He's my little buddy, and someone I spend a great deal of time with. I work from home, and with Teddy being as small as he is, he is the definition of a "lap dog". He sticks right by my side no matter what kind of a work day I've had.

I am guilty of spoiling him rotten (so is my husband!), but we wouldn't have it any other way. We consider him to be apart of our family. He spends his evenings on the couch watching TV with us and sleeps at the foot of our bed (I'm not one for banning dogs from the furniture - especially little 3.5 lb shed-less dogs). Just look at that face...can you really blame us?!


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