London :: 9 Month Update

Dear London,

Last week you turned 9 months old! I am writing this a bit late this month, as it's been quite a busy holiday season for us. These past 9 months have gone by incredibly fast, and I can only imagine these next 3 months will go by even faster, as your 1st birthday approaches. 

As I mentioned, we've had a pretty busy month, so let's get to the latest updates. A few weeks ago we celebrated Thanksgiving with Mommy's side of the family in Raleigh. It was a quick trip, but a great trip spent with family nonetheless. You and Noah really enjoyed playing with your cousin, Emma, and getting lots of love from your aunties and Grandma and Grandpa. After we returned home from Thanksgiving, Daddy (with a little help from Mommy) put up Christmas lights on our house for the 1st time EVER! Mommy put up our tree (and inside decorations) the weekend before Thanksgiving, so now our house is fully decorated and ready for Christmas! :)  

In addition to our Raleigh trip, we've stayed busy doing lots of fun holiday activities, including a visit to see Santa, a visit to see the Christmas lights at the zoo, lots of cookie baking, and a few Christmas parties mixed in as well. You've managed to stay quite busy yourself learning how to stand for a few seconds at a time (I think we've timed you standing for a full 9 seconds!), cruising along the furniture, learning to feed yourself finger foods, and even learning some fun new gestures. You now know how to clap, shake your head "no", and can even give us kisses! It has been such a fun month with you! As if all that wasn't enough excitement, you now have 4 teeth with TWO more on the way! 

Mommy & Daddy love you so much. We are so excited to celebrate your 1st Christmas with family next week, and can't wait to see what you will achieve this next month.

Until next time, here are some of my favorite photos from this past month.

Sibling love :)

 Out of all the toys in the playroom, you always choose cars and tools ;)

 Love that sweet smile :)

Always happy in the tub :)

Just a fun little photo comparison ;)

 Happy Thanksgiving!

Love walking into your room and seeing that sweet smile :)

Waiting in line to see Santa!

2015 Christmas Card Photo

Here are your 9 month stats: 

Weight: 19 lbs, 14.5 oz  
Height: 28"
Clothing size: 9 months (transitioning into some 12 month clothing as well)

I love you,

