London :: 3 Month Update

 Dear London,

Today you are three months old, which means you have officially graduated from newborn status! This month was filled with many fun moments with you, including several big milestones. 

You started off this past month showing more interest in batting at toys on your activity mat. Last month you really started to enjoy your mat, but mostly just looked at the hanging toys and watched the flashing lights. It is pretty clear that one of your favorite activities is playing on your mat. This past month also brought TONS of happy, gummy baby smiles and lots and lots of cooing and "talking". You have even given us a few baby laughs! You have become so incredibly vocal these past few weeks and really enjoy "talking" back and forth with us. I just love listening to you :) 

Earlier this week, you surprised Mommy by rolling over for the very first time during our afternoon playtime! You rolled from your tummy to back four times in a row!  You have also been tolerating tummy time much more these past few weeks! Ironically enough, you also seem to enjoy your swing more this month as well (tummy time and the swing were two of your least favorite things last month). Another big milestone that you achieved this month (at 10.5 weeks old) was sleeping through the night for the first time. You slept from 9 pm to 6 am, which was fantastic! You've since slept through the night on a few more occasions; however, most nights you still wake up between 4-5 am for a bottle, but will then go back to sleep till 7 or 8 am.

This month we celebrated Memorial Day here in SC with Mommy's side of the family. You got to meet Grandpa, your aunties, and your cousin, Emma, for the first time, which was very exciting! Emma, who just started walking, had so much fun playing with Noah. It was so fun getting to see them interact and form a bond at such a young age. Emma is just 11 months older than you, so it won't be very long until you're running around with them next spring/summer ;) 

Well, I think that's about all for this month. But, what a great month it was! We have so enjoyed watching you grow this past month, and can't wait to see what you will achieve next month. We love you, baby girl!

Until next time, here are some of my favorite photos from your 3rd month.

Sleeping beauty :)

Pretty in pink!

My smiley girl :) 

"Playing" with your ball 

Sibling love already <3

Sporting the all American denim look for Memorial Day weekend ;)

Finally a photo of all the cousins together! 

 All dressed up for your 1st lunch on the lake

Cuddles with Grandma <3

Love those squishy cheeks :)

Tummy time AGAIN, mom?! ;)

Snuggles with Daddy

1st time in the Bumbo!

I don't have any current weight/height stats for you (your next check up is next month), but you are still wearing size 0-3/3 month clothes and size 1 diapers.

I love you, 

