On Christmas Day you turned 16 months old! Since we've packed quite a bit into this holiday season, I thought it would only be fitting to take a few minutes to write to you about the latest happenings since my last letter. The past few months have included lots of "firsts" - your 1st haircut, 1st visit to the beach, 1st time in the snow, and 1st time visiting Santa Claus.
Before I tell you all about our Christmas, let's back up two months to Halloween. Even though this year was your second Halloween, this was your very 1st time going trick-or-treating, which made this year extra special! This year, you dressed up as an alligator, and much to our surprise, had a blast wearing your costume...even keeping your hood on! It was quite the rainy night, but between taking a ride in your wagon, and watching all of the neighborhood kids running around in their costumes, you didn't mind the rain one bit. We visited about 10 houses, and at the end of the night had your first taste of candy (a Reese peanut butter cup)!
Shortly after Halloween, we took you for your 1st haircut, which is always an exciting event for little boys. Okay, maybe not so exciting for you, but it was fun for Mommy and Daddy ;) You were a little unsure about all of it (especially the scissors!), but I'm happy to report there were no tears shed! In other news, there have been quite a few tears shed from lots and lots of teething. You've been quite the little teething machine the last few months, getting all 4 of your one-year molars, in addition to currently cutting two of your canine teeth, for a total of 14 teeth!
For Thanksgiving, we visited Daddy's side of the family in NY. We were lucky enough to get some mild weather during our visit, so we decided to take a drive out to Montauk Point (very end of Long Island), for your 1st visit to the beach, which was also your 1st time seeing the Atlantic Ocean. After our trip to NY, we headed home to start getting ready for Mommy's favorite time of year...Christmas :)
After a month of decking the halls, lots of shopping, playing in the snow (your 1st time!), and a visit to the mall to see Santa Claus, it was finally time to celebrate Christmas in our house here in PA. We tend to travel quite a bit during the holidays, alternating trips to NC and NY for Thanksgiving and Christmas every other year, but this year, we decided to spend Christmas in our own house. We invited both sides of family to come stay with us for one big Christmas celebration. I loved waking up in our own house and watching you open your gifts under our family tree :) Santa (and your very generous grandparents!) was sure good to you this year...bringing you some pretty cool toys!
As we wrap up 2013, having watched you grow from a 4 month old baby who was just learning to sit up at the beginning of the year to a walking/talking toddler just 12 short months later, I am in awe of how very fast this year has gone by. Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back, and can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for our little family!
Until next time, here are some of my favorite snapshots from the past few months.
Having fun on the swing!
Happy Halloween!
1st haircut - before
A little unsure...
After :)
1st time seeing the Atlantic Ocean (@ Montauk Point)
1st time in the snow!
1st time visiting Santa
Christmas card 2013
Children's Museum fun!
Smiles :)
Merry Christmas :)
Opening gifts on Christmas morning
Having a ball on Christmas morning :)
(I love that you just climbed right up on this gift and flashed a big ole' smile)
SO excited for your Mickey Mouse ball pit!
Here are your latest stats:
Weight: 24 lbs, 7 oz.
Height: 33" (93rd percentile!)
Clothing Size: 18 months (size 4 diapers)
I love you,