Dear Noah,
Today you are 1 month old! I can hardly believe how fast this past month has flown by. Your first month of life has been quite a busy one!
Following your birth, we stayed in the hospital for 4 days. Grandma Schmitt drove in from NY on your birthday, and was your very 1st visitor! She was there to greet you when you were less than 1 hour old.
After coming home from the hospital, we were lucky to have Daddy home with us for your 1st 10 days of life. Since Mommy was still recovering from her c-section, Grandma and Grandpa came up from NC to help out for a few days.
Now that Mommy is on the mend, we've been home together for about 2 1/2 weeks now, and we are slowly settling in to somewhat of a daily routine. After your morning feeding we typically have play time on the activity mat followed by tummy time. Around lunch time we take a walk around the neighborhood (since Fall is here now and the weather is getting cooler by the day, we'll have to soon find a different lunch time activity). Mommy also tries to take you out a few times a week as well...whether it is just to the grocery store or out to run a few errands, getting out and about is good for the both of us! Daddy and I have even taken you out to lunch and dinner a few times! You like going for car rides and being pushed in your stroller, which we are thankful for!
Today we had your one month check up with the pediatrician, and you weigh 9 lbs., 11 oz.! That's more than two whole pounds up from your birth weight! Good job, buddy! You are eating like a champ! Right now, your eating "schedule" (I'll use that word very loosely) is 3 oz. of breastmilk about every 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Occasionally, you'll go a 3 hour stretch, and you've even had one or two 4 hour stretches, but you are pretty consistent with the 2 hour mark for now. At night you typically wake every 2 to 3 hours to feed.
Your Daddy and I are so impressed with how much you have grown in such a short amount of time. At 1 month old, you already have so much more head control than you did just a few short weeks ago. You are starting to make eye contact with us a little more and will follow people/objects briefly. You are enjoying your tummy time, and can even turn your head from one side to the other while you are on your belly. Some of your favorite activities include: swinging in your swing, listening to music (you love Country music just like your Mama!), story time, and playing on your activity mat. You haven't quite figured out how to "play" with the toys on your mat, but you like to look in the hanging mirror and will occasionally kick your arms and legs and hit the toys. At this point, we think your kicking limbs hitting the toys is mostly just luck ;)
Here are some of my favorite photos of your 1st month.
"I love milky!" Falling asleep with a full belly!
Swing Time!
Love your face here!
Go Steelers! 1st photo shoot with Daddy
Being "crabby" in your pack n play aka refusing to nap :)
Getting ready for a walk with Mommy in your new sweat suit!
Afternoon story time!
First real bath in your whale tub!
Tummy time!
Here are your 1 month stats:
Weight: 9 lbs., 11 oz.
Length: 22.5"
Clothing Size: NB + 0-3 months (we have started to dress you in 0-3m onesies, but some of your NB outfits/sleepers still fit for now).
We can't wait to see what milestones you will achieve next month!
I love you,