Noah :: 3 Month Update

Dear Noah,

Today you are three months old, which means you've officially graduated from newborn status! Today was one of my favorite days since you've been born...we woke up to the 1st snowfall of the year and spent the day putting up the tree and decorating the house for Christmas.

Last night we made the long drive home from NC, where we spent Thanksgiving visiting with Mommy's side of the family. You did unbelievably well for your 1st road trip! When we got home yesterday afternoon, we spent lots of time playing with you, and you surprised us by rolling over 2x! Not only did you roll from your tummy to your back last night, you also gave us your 1st little laugh while playing "horsey" with Daddy!

We've had a busy month since I last wrote to you on your 2 month birthday! For Halloween, we dressed you up as a baby cow. It was a bit too chilly to take you out trick-or-treating, so we stayed inside while Daddy handed out candy to the neighborhood trick-or-treaters. Grandma Schmitt also came to visit us the week of Halloween. You had so much fun playing with her! 

After Halloween, we started Play & Learn classes at Gymboree where we've had tons of fun learning new songs and playing games together. The class is full of little ones all around the same age as you, and right now, it's all boys too, which makes it even better! Boys rule! ;) You LOVE the colorful parachute we get to play with at each class. Everytime you see it, you kick your arms and legs like crazy!! It makes me smile so much seeing you get so excited during class.

This month also brought the unfortunate sickies to our house, and you ended up catching your 1st cold :( You were still as playful and smiley as ever though! Let's hope we don't have to go through another sickness for quite awhile!

Perhaps your biggest new change this month is your interest in playing with toys. It was almost overnight it seemed that you went from just simply holding a rattle for a few seconds when placed in your hand, to now actually reaching for toys and shaking them. Your new favorite thing is putting any and everything in your mouth. In fact, you've gotten so good with your hands, that you've actually taken your pacifier in/out of your mouth completely on your own several times now. Your Daddy and I are so amazed by your growth. You've come such a long way with tummy time, and your head control continues to get better with each day. We even put you in your Bumbo seat this month to help you practice sitting up.

Oh, and I can't forget to tell you your other big news this started sleeping through the night right around 11 weeks. It's not quite every night still have a few nights here and there where you'll get up once a night (usually around 4am), but you've come so far since those early newborn days. Mommy and Daddy are very grateful for the extra sleep :)

We don't have any height/weight stats for you this month (your next well-visit with the pediatrician is at 4 months), but I have a feeling you're getting close to 14lbs. You are still wearing 3 month sized clothes, but we're slowly starting to transition you into your 3-6 month clothes, along with size 2 diapers. 

Here are some of my favorite snapshots from your 3rd month.

Cuddles with Mr. Bear

 Happy Halloween (your face here cracks me up)!

Such a sweet face :)

Going to vote with Mommy

Trying to fit your ball in your mouth (your new favorite toy!)

 1st time in your Bumbo

Typical afternoon of playtime (you love your ball)!

Still smiling despite having your 1st cold

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our 1st Thanksgiving as a family of 3 :)

 Playing peak-a-boo with Grandma

Someone stole Mommy's milkshake!

 Too cool ;)

Headed out for some Black Friday shopping in our shades

All tuckered out from a busy Thanksgiving week (and still trying to fit as many things as possible into your mouth)!

Wow, we sure had a busy month, didn't we?! I'm pretty sure this next month will be just as busy, as we prepare for the holiday season and your very 1st Christmas! 

I love you,


Real Life > Facebook

I've had an iPhone for many years now. I love my iPhone, and all the wonderful and convenient things it does for my daily life, but lately I can't help but think how much my phone takes me away from real life. If you stop and think about it, we're on our phones quite a bit during the day. I can't speak for everyone, but I'd be afraid to actually count the number of minutes or even hours I'm on my phone each's so easy to pick up your phone and browse Facebook while watching TV or waiting in line at the grocery store or while feeding the baby, etc... Name pretty much any "downtime" activity, and the first thing many of us do is reach for our phones to scroll through the Facebook timeline or read through the Twitter feed. And for what, really?! Sure, we all want to keep in touch with our friends and see the latest happenings with their lives, but how much do we REALLY need to see every photo and every status update from our 350+ friends? We don't! If we stop and think about it, the people that matter most to us in life are very likely only a phone call (or text/email) away. 9/10 times I communicate with my friends and family via phone or email anyways...I don't need Facebook to keep up with their lives, other than the occasional photo or two that I do very much enjoy seeing. 

As a new mom, I'm constantly learning (and looking for) new ways to be more efficient with my time during the day. One thing I could stand to cut back on is the use of my iPhone...especially social media.

I recently read a blog post about a challenge to give up social media on the weekends. For what, you ask? To take the time to make what MATTERS happen. For family time. For picnics in the park. For dinner with good friends. For trying new recipes. For exploring new places. Whatever matters to you. Sorry for the buzz kill, but Facebook does NOT matter in the grand scheme of life.

Am I going to give up Facebook and social media completely? No. I am, however, going to make a conscious effort to use it less to make time for what really matters in life. More quality time with my son. More quality time with my husband. More time for play dates and lunches with friends. More time for REAL LIFE. I recently signed Noah and I up for a weekly infant play class in the hopes we'd get to learn new things together and meet some new friends along the way. Our first class was, and I'm already looking forward to going again! There's nothing new and exciting my son is going to learn from looking at the phone all day, so it's important to me to adopt new habits in my own daily life before he's old enough to ask "why is Mommy on her phone again?". 

On a final note, I do get that sometimes we all need a little "mindless" free time to unwind from the day, and for many of us, that means playing around with the various social media apps on our smartphones. We're only human and no one is perfect. What I am challenging myself to do is to use it less as a whole, not cut it out entirely. 

Here's to making what matters happen!

Noah :: 2 Month Update

Dear Noah,

Today you are two months old! Your Daddy and I have seen so many amazing changes in you since your one month birthday. One of the biggest milestones you've achieved this past month is SMILING! :) Your smile makes my heart happier than you will ever know, little guy. You are smiling more and more every day and you continue to learn new things on a daily basis. Your new favorite things are rolling on to your side, making fun noises (other than crying...yay!), learning to hold your rattle (and sticking it in your mouth!), and just this morning Mommy found you turned all the way around in your crib! 

You still love your activity mat and are batting at your toys like crazy! It is so fun to watch you look at your toys, think about it, then take a big swing at them :) In fact, as I type this, you are happily playing on your activity mat. 

We are still working on getting a nap schedule going, but in the mean time, you've made fantastic progress sleeping at night. At the end of month 1, you were just transitioning from getting up 3x a night down to 2x. Now, just last week, you made the jump from two nightly feedings down to ONE! Good job, bud! We've got our bedtime routine established, which now includes a 30 minute Baby Einstein movie before we change into our jammies. You LOVE watching it. In fact, you are pretty much mesmerized by it. We have no idea if you can make out the shapes/pictures on the screen, or if you just like the flashing lights, but either way, it keeps you calm and happy before bed.

Today we had your two month check up with the pediatrician, and you weigh 12 lbs., 2 oz.! You got a great report today and are growing right on track! Your two month check up also meant it was time for your first round of shots and you were such a brave little man. You did much better than I had anticipated. In fact, I think you were braver than Mommy ;) Daddy came with us and held your hand while Mommy stayed back and turned her head (Mommy is a wimp!).

Next week is Halloween, and this weekend Grandma Schmitt is coming to visit us from NY. With the holidays coming up, we've got lots of fun activities to look forward to, including your first road trip next month for Thanksgiving.

Here are some of my favorite snapshots of your 2nd month. 

Trying on your Halloween costume :)

You & Daddy at Soergels Pumpkin Patch (1st trip to the patch!)

"You want a piece of me?" 
 (we were trying to get a pic of you in your cute little sweater, and this was an outtake...turned out to be the best pic of them all!)

Hanging out getting ready to go see Daddy at work for the 1st time!

We love listening to your little "ooh's" when you're on your activity mat

You love bath time!

Early morning snuggles with Daddy

Relaxing in your bouncy while watching Baby Einstein

Hanging out on the bobby pillow

Pumpkin patch round # 2

 Holding Daddy's finger <3

 Smiling :) 

Here are your 2 month stats:

Weight: 12 lbs., 2 oz.
Length: 23.5"
Clothing Size: 0-3 months (we've packed away all of your NB clothes!)

I love you,


Noah :: 1 Month Update

Dear Noah,

Today you are 1 month old! I can hardly believe how fast this past month has flown by. Your first month of life has been quite a busy one!

Following your birth, we stayed in the hospital for 4 days. Grandma Schmitt drove in from NY on your birthday, and was your very 1st visitor! She was there to greet you when you were less than 1 hour old.

After coming home from the hospital, we were lucky to have Daddy home with us for your 1st 10 days of life. Since Mommy was still recovering from her c-section, Grandma and Grandpa came up from NC to help out for a few days.

Now that Mommy is on the mend, we've been home together for about 2 1/2 weeks now, and we are slowly settling in to somewhat of a daily routine. After your morning feeding we typically have play time on the activity mat followed by tummy time. Around lunch time we take a walk around the neighborhood (since Fall is here now and the weather is getting cooler by the day, we'll have to soon find a different lunch time activity). Mommy also tries to take you out a few times a week as well...whether it is just to the grocery store or out to run a few errands, getting out and about is good for the both of us! Daddy and I have even taken you out to lunch and dinner a few times! You like going for car rides and being pushed in your stroller, which we are thankful for!

Today we had your one month check up with the pediatrician, and you weigh 9 lbs., 11 oz.! That's more than two whole pounds up from your birth weight! Good job, buddy! You are eating like a champ! Right now, your eating "schedule" (I'll use that word very loosely) is 3 oz. of breastmilk about every 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Occasionally, you'll go a 3 hour stretch, and you've even had one or two 4 hour stretches, but you are pretty consistent with the 2 hour mark for now. At night you typically wake every 2 to 3 hours to feed.

Your Daddy and I are so impressed with how much you have grown in such a short amount of time. At 1 month old, you already have so much more head control than you did just a few short weeks ago. You are starting to make eye contact with us a little more and will follow people/objects briefly. You are enjoying your tummy time, and can even turn your head from one side to the other while you are on your belly. Some of your favorite activities include: swinging in your swing, listening to music (you love Country music just like your Mama!), story time, and playing on your activity mat. You haven't quite figured out how to "play" with the toys on your mat, but you like to look in the hanging mirror and will occasionally kick your arms and legs and hit the toys. At this point, we think your kicking limbs hitting the toys is mostly just luck ;)

Here are some of my favorite photos of your 1st month. 

"I love milky!" Falling asleep with a full belly!

Swing Time!

Love your face here!

Go Steelers! 1st photo shoot with Daddy

Being "crabby" in your pack n play aka refusing to nap :)

Getting ready for a walk with Mommy in your new sweat suit!

Afternoon story time!

First real bath in your whale tub!

Tummy time!

Here are your 1 month stats:

Weight: 9 lbs., 11 oz.
Length: 22.5"
Clothing Size: NB + 0-3 months (we have started to dress you in 0-3m onesies, but some of your NB outfits/sleepers still fit for now).

We can't wait to see what milestones you will achieve next month!

I love you,


Noah's Birth Story

On August 25th at 3:56 PM our lives were forever changed when our sweet baby boy, Noah Christopher, was born. Below is Noah's birth story.

I will first start by saying that my birth experience was not easy. I would imagine that most women (especially first time moms) would say the same thing about their own birthing experiences, but I don't think my experience was a common one. It certainly was not what I was planning and my birth plan was quickly thrown out the window! It was a very, very rough experience, but in the end, I have a healthy baby, and at the end of the day, that's all that really matters. Many of the events from Noah's birthday have become a bit fuzzy, but luckily Rob took notes of all the major events so I'd be able to write this. 

Before I get to my labor, I have to back up a few days. My original due date was August 16th, and when I went in for my weekly OB appointment that day I was still barely dilated and having no real contractions to speak of, so my doctor and I began to discuss induction. We set the induction date for Friday, August 24th if little one didn't feel like arriving on his own. Well, fast forward a few days, and Noah clearly wasn't coming on his own despite my efforts to naturally induce labor. I was a bit bummed, but ultimately knew induction was very likely in my future, so I didn't dwell on it, and anxiously counted down the hours to his arrival. 


That Friday I was surprisingly pretty calm the entire day...I went about my day doing last minute cleaning and final baby prep. Rob had taken a half day at work, so when he got home he mowed the grass and did some yard work. Typical day for us. Later that evening, we went out for some Mexican food as our last official "date night" before baby arrived. Following dinner, we came back home and waited for the "call". {Side note: Even though my induction was scheduled, I had to wait for the hospital to actually call me in once there was a labor + delivery room available. My window for the call was 9 pm to midnight}

9:38 PM - The call comes in! Despite our meticulous preparation, a slight panic comes over both of us as we run around the house gathering the last minute items for our hospital bags. {I think it took us about 6 minutes to get out of the house and on the road. My nerves finally started to kick in!}

10:15 PM - We arrive at the hospital and head upstairs to Labor & Delivery. 

10:30 PM - We begin paperwork and I am officially admitted. We're called back to LDR 11. 

11:00 PM - I change into my hospital gown and am hooked up to monitors and an IV. Blood samples collected. {I remember getting really nervous at this's all of a sudden very real for me}


12:05 AM - My OB comes in to greet us! 

12:08 AM - Quick ultrasound shows baby's head is still down...we are good to go with induction. 

12:10 AM - Cervical check still shows pretty much no dilation (I was about a 1/2 cm since week 38, thus the reason for my induction). I was then given Misoprostol to help with dilation and start the induction process. We were told to get some rest and I would be checked again in 4 hours. {Contractions were very mild. I still didn't sleep a wink due to nerves}

3:30 AM - OB comes in to check on me. 1.5 cm dilated, 70% effaced. Doctor is pleased with progress so far.

4:05 AM - Pitocin is started. {Contractions began to intensify very quickly. There to impress no one, I asked for my epidural before the contractions were too strong for me to sit still through them}

5:00 AM - Epidural administered. {I had debated long and hard about even getting an epidural, but ultimately decided it was the direction I wanted to go. The actual process of getting the epidural wasn't that bad at all actually...Rob sat right in front of me, and him and my nurse distracted me with talk about the baby's nursery. I think the entire process took less than 20 minutes from start to finish}

6:45 AM - OB comes in to check on me and then breaks my water. 3-4 cm dilated. Doctor is again pleased with my progress. {At this point, I could barely even feel my contractions and actually thought to myself "Wow, this epidural is awesome! Why in the world would ANYONE deliver without one?!"}

7:30 AM - Baby's heart rate begins to slow with each contraction so I am put on oxygen to help baby. {This had me pretty nervous, but everyone assured me that this was quite common}

9:00 AM - Baby's heart rate is doing much better. Contractions begin to hurt on the left side, but I am pain-free on right side. 

9:30 AM - OB comes in to check on me. 6 cm dilated. OB says baby doesn't seem to be dropping, so there is a possibility of a c-section, but we are told we will continue to monitor my progress and make a decision as we get further along. Baby is looking healthy and heart rate is strong. Pain begins to intensify even more on the left side so an anesthesiologist is brought in to help with the pain. I was given an "extra" dose of medicine in my epidural. Pain seems to be slightly less than before. 

11:20 AM - OB comes in to check on me. 8 cm dilated. {Somewhere shortly after my last cervical check, the pain began to intensify beyond anything I could ever imagine. I was literally grabbing the sides of the bed crying in pain and suddenly felt the urge to push. I had Rob run out into the hallway to get my nurse.}

1:00 PM - OB comes's time to start pushing!

3:00 PM - After 2 hours of pushing and a quick exam to recheck baby's position, we discover that baby's head is turned to the side and he won't be able to make it down the birth canal on his own. After the exam, my OB sits down on the edge of my hospital bed. I knew what was about to come out of her mouth before she even said word...c-section. At this point with a failed epidural, no sleep, and after 2 hours of unproductive pushing, I was just ready to meet my son. After a brief discussion, I sign my consent forms and off I go to the OR. I am prepped for surgery, then Rob is brought in to sit next to me. I am again pumped full of pain medicine, and for awhile everything seems to be going well with my epidural again, but then I start to feel sharp pain, and it's like nothing I've ever felt before. My epidural was wearing off again on the left side and I could feel e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g mid surgery. Not lying.

3:56 PM - Noah enters the world! A perfect, healthy baby boy - 7 lbs., 8 oz. and 21.25" long. 

I remember feeling intense pressure as they pulled Noah out, and then both Rob and I waited for the much anticipated first took a few seconds, but as soon as we heard it, we both cried. Huge sigh of relief! That was my moment of peace amidst the chaos of the day. A few moments later, they brought Noah over to us and handed him over to his Daddy. I remember thinking how perfect he was, and that after 10 months of anxiously awaiting him, our son was finally here with us.

What happened after Noah was born is very fuzzy for me. I remember feeling excruciating pain as my epidural continued to wear off while they were finishing up surgery. A team of anesthesiologists were there trying everything they could to take my pain away, but nothing was really working. I do remember falling asleep, and later found out they had "helped" me to fall asleep with laughing gas while they stitched me up. I also later found out that they had ushered Rob out of the OR because things got bad so quick. It wasn't pretty. The next thing I remember is waking up and asking where Rob and my baby were. They told me Rob was waiting for me back in my labor + delivery room and that Noah was still in the OR with me. A few minutes later we were being wheeled back to our LDR where we reunited as a family of three :) A new life. A new beginning. 

Noah is just 4 days shy of his one month birthday now, and we are learning together every day. I am on the mend and getting better day by day. For any mamas that may have to undergo a c-section, I highly recommend getting up and walking as soon as you can. Walking helped me immensely! It was awkward and uncomfortable at first, but even just getting out of bed while still in the hospital and walking a few steps at a time, helps. By day 10, I was feeling a TON better, and by the 2 week mark, I was probably 50% better. At 4 weeks postpartum, I'd say I'm about 75-80% back to my old self. While I've been busy recovering, I've been slowly but surely settling into my new role as a mom (that still feels surreal to call myself a MOM!). It's no easy job. In fact, it is hands down the most difficult job I've ever had, BUT it is incredibly rewarding. 

Well, there you have birth story. I've tried my best to write this as detailed and as accurate as possible, and hopefully there aren't too many grammatical errors in my sleep deprived state ;) Before I wrap this post up, I just have to say a HUGE thank you to my amazing husband who was an incredible support to me both during and after labor. There were many times throughout my labor that I didn't know how on earth I'd ever get through it, and he was by my side cheering me on every.step.of.the.way. Thank you, babe! Both Noah and I thank you for being such a great husband and Daddy! We love you!

More on Noah's first month of life in my next post! 

Introducing Noah Christopher!

Meet Noah Christopher (formally known as Baby Schmitt)! Born August 25th, weighing in at 7 lbs., 8 oz. and 21.25" long.

I can't believe our little guy will be ONE MONTH next week! I've been WAY behind on blogging, but I'm working on getting my full birth story posted, as well as lots of photos up on the blog...hopefully within the next few days or so. Until then, I just wanted to formally introduce him :)

37 Weeks :: Full Term!

Well, here we are at week 37! We've officially made it to full term! I wanted to write a quick update post since I haven't really done one in awhile. 

Things are all set for Baby Schmitt's arrival...the nursery is completed, our bags are packed, and car seat installed! All we need now is our baby boy :)

Since I'm coming down to the final weeks (maybe even days!) I've been thinking a lot about how fortunate I am to have had such a great pregnancy (praying that my delivery is the same!). I'm really not sure if I am in the minority or in the majority with other mamas when I say that I have truly enjoyed being pregnant. Now, don't get me wrong - the aches and pains and just general uncomfortableness of pregnancy is not exactly what I would call fun, and my 1st trimester of "morning" sickness wasn't exactly glamorous - BUT through it all, I've actually been enjoying these last 9 months. Yucky symptoms and all.

It is pretty amazing to think that our little boy will be here any week/day now. I'm not sure if there will be any more "pregnancy" posts on the blog, so if this post does turn out to be my last pregnancy related post, I just want to say thank you to all those that have been on this journey with us these last 9 months. It's been fun to share all of these pregnancy milestones with friends and family, and this blog has allowed me to keep much of these memories in one place. I do plan to continue blogging after Baby Schmitt's arrival, and am looking forward to sharing many photos, milestones, and memories in the months/years to come.

It's almost time little guy...let the countdown begin!

End of Wedding Season | Maternity Leave

Here I am at 34.5 weeks on my final wedding weekend of 2012. It feels unbelievably surreal to say that. Even though our season was relatively short compared to recent years, we completed 7 weddings in just 10 weeks all while I was pregnant. It was no easy feat, and I have to thank SO many people around me for their amazing support and assistance. 

As I begin my maternity leave and get ready to hand over my trusty clipboard + wedding tote for bottles + a diaper bag, I can't help but look back on all of the incredible moments I've witnessed at the 40+ weddings I've been lucky to have been apart of. 

To my Clients - As I've said many times in the past, I am extremely lucky to have worked with soooo many amazing couples. Many of my brides have become very dear friends, and I am so grateful for that. Today, I am reflecting on this post I wrote nearly 1 year ago. These could not be more fitting words for how I feel about all of you. Seeing so many of you purchase your first homes, travel the world with your spouses, and become first time parents is what I love so much about my continued friendships with all of you. Please continue to keep in touch!

To Meghan - Simply put, you ROCK! How can I ever thank you for all of your hard work and countless hours that we've spent together pulling off some amazing weddings?! I think we make one heck of a team!

To Rob - THANK YOU for your unending support that has allowed me to do what I love for a living. There are no words to describe how grateful I am to have such a supportive husband. I love you! 

Lastly, to Baby Schmitt - Thank you for not surprising us with an unexpected appearance at a wedding ;) Mommy is SO ready to meet you and fill her days with lots of cuddles and play time together! Just a few more weeks baby boy!!!

My official maternity leave begins today and will extend through the end of the year and into early 2013. We are currently in the process of restructuring some of our service levels, but I do plan to be back for the spring/summer wedding season of 2013.

Ok, now that I have cried through this post multiple times, I will wrap things up and just simply end this post with another huge THANK YOU! :)


Baby Schmitt's Jungle Themed Nursery

Well, we're in the final stretch of this pregnancy and Baby Schmitt's nursery is officially completed! Rob took a few photos of the nursery so we could share them with out-of-town family and friends, but I have to admit that I'm slightly bummed we can't share everything in the nursery just yet since we're keeping the lil' guy's name a secret. There are a few things that have been blurred/edited out...the most obvious is the missing wooden letters that spell out his name above his crib. I'm in love with the wooden letters, but those unedited photos will just have to wait to be shared until after his birthday :) 

Here are also a few detail shots of some various decor items around his room, including his book shelf/toy area inside his closet:

I hope Baby Schmitt loves his nursery as much as we do! It was a labor of love, and both Rob and I had a blast putting the room together for him. Everything is ready and in its monitors are set up and ready to go, his laundry is done and neatly tucked away in his dresser drawers, and we have a variety of other toys and equipment that have taken over the rest of our house. We are so READY for him! Less than 6 weeks to go :)
